Salesh Dipak Fernando

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How enticing can a train journey be? Almost all of us have been there.  Our eyes decode a thousand images day in and day out as the train moves forward. More often than not we decode those images according to our perception. What if a particular image becomes an irresistible obsession? You look forward to seeing the same image every single day to decode it in a thousand different ways.


Is it really an obsession or is it the only shot at redemption? Paula Hawkins deftly uses the eyes of a washed up protagonist to give us a gripping insight into the power of perception. She unravels the events one after by the other by luring us into the mind of the protagonist.  

And there’s the power of deception. When you train yourself to think in a certain way you fail to see with the mind’s eye. You deceive yourself to the point of no return. You convince yourself that you are a failure.

Paula Hawkins weaves a interesting web of love, lies, deceit and betrayal which keeps the reader glued till the very end. It’s about her – THE GIRL ON THE TRAIN. But it’s also about us. It’s our journey too – The same journey which tires our mind every day. Is there hope? Or are we doomed to the point of no return? Pick up the book to find out.

If you are into thrillers this is a must read.

My rating – 4/5

Links to buy the book. THE GIRL ON THE TRAIN




300 Days – When I picked the book I had absolutely no idea what I was getting into. The page count did startle me at first – 402 pages.  Yes you heard it right. Now that I am done with the book. How do I decode it? Irrespective of my own opinion a pat on the back to the author for a very brave debut. It’s a very gutsy decision to put the entire sequence of events on paper. At times there are compromises when it’s a debut. 

The romance within the pages was raw and real. It brought back memories of the good old days. The biggest strength of the book is it’s ability to make the reader dwell into the dwell into his/her own love story. It will either make the reader travel back in time or re-live the present.

Another major plus is the chemistry and the conflict between the two leaders. I love romances when it focuses solely on the chemistry and conflict between the protagonists without too many subplots or deviations.

The length is both a plus and a minus. It allows the reader to savour each and every moment. On the flip side the conflict drags on and on without any proper resolution. A book should always leave the reader yearning for more. After a certain point I was very desperate for the book to the end. 

The editing is flawed. The words are misplaced and re-typed. To me 300 days was a concept which had great potential and promise. Perhaps better editing would have done the trick.

Does love give you a sense of fulfilment or is there life after love ? How long do you hold on to something which is not yours? Is it even worth the time and effort? At what point do you decide it’s time to let go? Pick up the book to have your answers. If you believe that you have patience and time to sit through the entire sequence of events then 300 days is the book for you.

My Rating 3/5

Best wishes for your next book Bragadeesh Prasanna.

The link to buy the book – 300 Days.

Any suggestions for the next book review on Monday ?









Is it possible for the same book to evoke two extreme reactions? It happened to me with Now and Forever. I picked up this book for two reasons – The Author’s experience in handling the romance genre and the eternal charm that every love story brings to our daily lives.

My policy is if you feel helpless, you ought to be a source of help to someone else who is helpless”.  This line to me is the essence of the book. The book is a journey of redemption. Two  souls re-ignite their lost passion while helping each other out. The events are deftly sequenced to lure the reader in and make them believe in the old saying “Everything happens for a reason.

There are certain portions of the book which will drown you with love. As a reader those portions leave you yearning for more. And then there are portions which deviate to offer you the mundane. But here too the author succeeds by dressing the cliché sequences with some amazing wordplay yet the language is simple and easy to grasp

For me the book was a tale of two halves. While the love angle and the family bonding left a lasting impression. The other portions of Now and Forever left me in a fix. The intent is very clear to make you feel good without making you think too much and that’s where Meera Shivashankar scores.

Pick up this book if you love the romance genre or if you want to read something light and breezy to make you feel good. Of course we all love to dance in the rain. But sometimes a slight drizzle is just enough to make you feel happy.

Best Wishes for the next book.

My Rating – 3/5

 Link to buy the book. NOW AND FOREVER

Next book Review  – 300 days by Bragadeesh Prasanna on 13/07/2016






FLOODS? Don’t fool yourself. It is just not possible. Chennai has always been synonymous with heat for quite a while now. A red hot summer has always been an inseparable part of Chennai. How many times have we yearned for the rain gods as a mode of escapism ?

Perhaps we have all been struck in our own self – obsessed world . December dawned and nature decided to take a subtle but sure shot diversion from it’s usual routine. The next few days were a blur as the residents of Chennai were being pulled in by a wave of despair and destruction.

We were supposed to be down and out. But the city rose up and showed the world how it’s done. There was a never before seen wave of love, hope and compassion. This thread of hope is the essence of book as we have re-lived our experiences in our own unique way.

Each of these stories have their own distinct flavour. There are stories to stir your soul and make you re- think the very purpose of your lives. This chain of realization ties all the stories together. Another big positive is the finishing act. Almost all the stories have a very strong finish. 

The only negative is the mess up with the page numbers which makes re-reading a little too tedious. There are few minor edit flaws as well. I hope these negatives can be rectified in the upcoming editions of the book.

This anthology isn’t just a collection of short stories. It is a celebration of the human spirit. Do pick it up if you love stories filled with hope.  Priced at Rs. 150 it won’t burn your pockets. 

I am in there too with the opening act.

My favourite from the collection – Srilakshmi’s Rains, Dairy Milk Chocolates and Us

Link to buy the book online








Are You Magic Am I a Trick ? – Book Review


There is a reason why love stories continue to work despite being filled with cliche narrative styles and the same old situations. Every love story is filled with a tiny thread of hope and nostalgia. You either travel back to the sweet memories of the past or you just feel good about how the writer’s thoughts mirror your present bliss.

Are you Magic Am I trick seamlessly mixes both fantasy and realism and makes it work. The plot – An author’s protagonist comes to life. You have to pick the book to find out what happens next.

The author devotes the first few pages to put forth a few impressions from her own life. But the story gains momentum once she shifts into story – telling mode. There are quite a few stand outs in the book. The good and evil connotations within the same person, the insecurities that creep in within a person towards a relationship as age catches up with him/her are all very well narrated. Another thing which impressed me is the author’s belief that life is an unscripted surprise. She holds on to that thought right till the very end.

The major turn off was the male protagonist’s flash back. A story within a story does not gel well with the narrative. There a few edit mistakes which can be corrected in the next edition.  There are a few cliche situations but that is an integral part of attempting something within the romantic genre.

A very good first attempt. Definitely pick it up if you are a fan of the romance genre.

All the best Arpita. Hopefully more experimentation and genre hopping in your future books.

My Rating: 3/5






I picked up P C Balasubramanian’s READY STEADY EXIT because of my fascination for SUPER RAJNIKANTH.  Having successfully decoded Brand Rajni in his earlier book the author gives us his first work of fiction. This made me all the more curious.

Ready Steady Exit offers a tiny glimpse into the world of startups in a very simple language. The book highlights both the ups and downs of a self – funded venture. Despite the heavy premise the tone is light and keeps us hooked. 

Another major plus is how he blends in the integral elements of the region without too much detailing. I saw flashes of Ravi Subramanian’s style of writing minus the thriller elements. This book is welcome diversion from mundane romances and heavy thrillers.

On the downside the business terminologies might be Greek and Latin for readers who have absolutely no knowledge on how a start up works. 

Pick this one up if you are a passionate soul on the lookout for an opportunity to start out on your own. This book might just be a humorous slice of your life.

It is not every day that you come across a book which explicitly lays out the story in the title. You have to read entire narrative to find out what leads to READY, STEADY and EXIT.

My Rating 3/5



make it 2

SHARADA – A lot has been written and re-written about Sharada as a person. I am not sure if I can add anything more.  She’s added so much colour and enthusiasm to my life within a very short span of time.

She often reminds me of Illayaraja’s perfect song. There’s something so magical about a Raja song. It can soothe you, give you hope and fill you with happiness. The genius of Raja is even more obvious when you listen to the same song n number of times. Every time you listen there’s a different feel, flavour and tone to the same song.

Sharada at first glance might come across as another modern day woman with aspirations.  But the more you get to know her you will realize there’s a multi – faceted SUPERSTAR hidden within.  Stand up Comic, RJ and Author and she does a fairly good job in all the three fields. I am not sure many people can do that. Not everybody has the guts to quit a safe regular income job to  follow their passion. She’s done that without regrets

Despite being outrageously talented she’s level headed and speaks from the heart and stands firm in the values  she believes in. She’s my mirror image from the other side. It is very rare to come across people with empathy and honesty. She’s one of them.

Best Wishes for the journey ahead. May the force be with u.




make it 2

Let me start with a candid confession MAKE IT 2 wasn’t an easy book to review.  The book is a mess a sweet, funny, erotic mess. We have all come across triangles before. So what makes this one different?

On the surface it does resemble the usual love triangle we have all come across before.  But for me it was always about the choices and their resulting consequences. It is not often that a reader encounters two strong, independent female characters in a love story.  This uniqueness makes the whole plot work.

We have two women who aren’t afraid to face the consequences of their own choices. The hero fittingly plays second fiddle. A major plus is the tone which is cheesy and erotic throughout. To do so with minimal sex sequences is a commendable feat.

The book is only 150 pages which makes it a light, breezy read.  Make It 2 once again highlights the importance of a good closure. A bad finish can ruin a good plot. On the other hand if the author gives a fitting finale it can make the reader forget all the flaws in the plot.  Sharada Vijay does that with admirable ease.

The only negative is the local lingo. I always believe love stories have universal appeal. Usage of the local language might act as a hindrance when there is a very good chance of reaching readers in different states. Perhaps a page could have been allotted to explain the native terms.  

Pick this one up if you like light, breezy romance with a tiny slice of erotica.

Sharada Vijay – Best Wishes for your next book.

My Rating : 3/5

Amazon Link :

FB Page link : Soul Scribbles




i am 16

It is not very often that a book has my attention for two full days. I AM 16 I CAN RAPE was like an obsession. I read it again and again to understand the level of impact.  No I am not going to state the obvious. I see way beyond that.

It is a very clever book.  The author bares it all with the title yet the reader is left with no choice but to keep turning the pages again and again. It is like watching a SUPERSTAR in action. A SUPERSTAR who knows his audience. Just when the audience think they have seen it all he stuns them with his final act. I have never been this mesmerized by an Indian Author before.

The author makes the readers look within each of her characters. She makes the readers understand why a character exhibits a certain behaviour. She gives each of her characters unique layers and peels them off one by one for the final reveal. She answers the WHY question with absolute clarity and that’s what makes this book a must read. 

The book reminded me of “THE MAHABHARATA”.  No I am not talking about DRAUPADI here. We all know who the real hero of the story is. It is KRISHNA’s centre stage. The others are playing the role he has assigned for them. 

This book isn’t just about RAPE alone. It is more a study of how different people react to their own environment.  It is a difficult read but an engaging one. Pick this one up if you like thrillers or if you want to understand deeper issues that plague the human mind. 

Kirtida Gautam – Thank you for the book and for renewing my interest in Psychology and my humble apologies for underestimating your potential as an author. But it is something most of us do. We fail to look beyond the surface or to be more appropriate we fail to SEEK. Did I actually apologize or did I leave a clue. Pick the book and find out.

MY RATING – A perfect 5/5







without u

I often wonder why romance is the most preferred genre.  Even upcoming writers prefer romance to give their writing career a head start. Detractors may argue that it is easier to pen a love story. But for an eternal optimist like me romance is always about hope. 

Love stories transport the readers to a magical world filled with hope. Without You does the same with ease. It is your typical lost and found story but what sets Without You apart from the rest is the geography and the detailing.

The description and detailing makes the reader travel with the protagonists and what a travel it is.   It’s a journey the reader would cherish. Another major plus is the stress on the importance of family values right from the very beginning.

On the surface it does look like your regular love story but if the reader is willing to scratch the surface there’s a lovely lesson of forgiveness and I loved the surprise element right towards the very end. Pick up the book to find out what it is.

There are a couple of negatives too. The names have been inter-changed in a couple of places and like all love stories Without You too has a few clichés which could have been avoided.

My Verdict – Pick up the book if you love ROMANCE and TRAVEL.

Rating 3/5


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