Salesh Dipak Fernando

Category: POEM



He missed the CANE that held him for so long,

He wanted to fit in among a sea of masks.

Alas it was just a distant dream.

A dream filled with love, friendship and warm embraces.

Love was just an illusion designed to lure him into oblivion.

The masks had made their own permanent impression.

He was a failure destined to lose.

He yearned for a CANE yet again.

A cane devoid of emotions.

A cane which would hold on to him till time calls it a day




I yearn for you every single day.
I yearn for the love that bound us together.
But you deserted me when I needed you the most.

Perhaps I am really a misfit
The soul who does not deserve love.
The world loves me with the mask on.
But only you can see what lies beyond.

I yearn for the warmth of your touch.
Which filled my life like the early morning dew drops.
My steps become heavier with each passing day.
The pain refuses to subside.

Have I ever given up on love?
But the love that surrounded my life
Is vanishing with each passing day.

Love leads to hope or so I believed.
But your parting shot said it all.
Love also leads to the depth of despair.
Will you ever be mine?
Or was it all just a lie.




It’s time to salute

The man who inspired millions

You inspired us to dream

You inspired to hope

You inspired us to challenge the norms

You inspired us to look within and re-invent ourselves.

You were the face of humility.

You were the living example of the word “Inspiration”

Miss u would be an understatement.

But we move forward with hope

To build a better nation

To walk on the path you laid out for us.

Great souls never die.

Only the body fades

The soul lives on till the end of time.

Sometimes I wonder why you

Perhaps God too needed a tiny dose

Of the wonderful qualities that made you







You are there when I emerge from the SACRED CHAMBER after 10 long months.

You are there when I first see LIGHT embracing me with your JOYFUL TEARS.

You are there when I take my FIRST STEPS in this big bad world.

Years fly by and I grow up

But you are there when I need a SHOULDER TO CRY.

You are there when I enter into wedlock promising an ETERNAL BOND OF LOVE.

You are there when we shape our CAREERS together.

You are there when I kiss our kid GOOD NIGHT.

I become fragile and weak even as my hair shows shades of GREY.

The breadwinners become fragile old people.

But you are there to hear my musings about how the world has changed.

My eyesight fails me as the END draws near 

You are still there shedding ur last drop of TEAR.

I SALUTE YOU my dear WOMAN for showing me that life is an ETERNAL BLESSING.





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