Salesh Dipak Fernando





The BestSeller She Wrote – A book which is supposedly a diversion from his usual banking domain. The first few chapters kept me hooked as I found myself drawn to the world of best -selling author Aditya Kapoor.  I found the author perspective interesting and informative.

I kept turning the pages in anticipation. But the latter half of the book disappointed me. The book wasn’t lacking in pace and there were enough twists and turns to keep the reader engaged.  But plot slowly turned into a mashup of all of Ravi’s precious books. Aditya and Shreya reminded me of Varun and Tanya.

For a first time reader the book will be a refreshing read but if the reader is familiar with Ravi’s style of narration a tinge of disappointment might linger on after finishing the book. It is a case of squandering a promising start. The E-bola episode was totally uncalled for and could have been chopped off but kudos to the author for maintaining the pace from start to finish.

Perhaps it’s common for best-selling authors to rehash a narrative which made them best-sellers or maybe I expected a little too much from one of my favourite and approachable authors I have ever known.

Ravi Subramanian you have a loyal fan base perhaps it’s time to give them something which is radically different from your usual narrative style.  It’s not my product it’s yours and you know what sells. But as a fan seeing you in a different avatar is a tiny wish from my side.

My Verdict – Pick it up if it’s your first glimpse of Ravi Subramanian’s work or if you have aspirations to become an author. 

My Rating – 3 stars.

PS : If God was a banker is still my favourite Ravi Subramanian book.







Let me begin with a confession. I was coaxed into attending this launch by a fellow blogger friend otherwise this one would have been one of my many missed events. I like to keep a low profile and let my words do all the talking. What followed on that eventful day gave me a jolt.


I went in half an hour early just to get a feel of the atmosphere. Ravi Subramanian was everywhere. His books kept staring at me from every nook and corner of STARMARK. He walks in just like you and me. No starry airs or the usual tantrums that accompany a celebrity.

A question crosses my mind – Should I or should I not ? He hardly knows my work ? What if I goof up ?  Too many questions and the usual nervousness sets in.  Somehow I find my strength and approach him for that elusive autograph. Name please – SALESH  and trust me I could barely hear my own voice. His autograph adorns my book and I walk back with a lovely little curve on my lips.


The Q & A session was insightful and provided a tiny glimpse into the kind of book that God is a Gamer is.  There was humour too in light doses which made the session all the more enjoyable. Mohan V Raman made sure that the routine mundane questions were avoided.

The final few minutes were set aside aside for the audience. The mike was inviting but I decided to wait it out. Final question ” Oh come on SALESH give it a shot” Who needs a mike ?  I blurt out a question which has haunted me for long ” WHY IS THERE A HESITANCY TO ADAPT INDIAN NOVELS TO THE BIG SCREEN “.  A question which brought forth honest answers from both the guests.

A day well spent and hopefully the first of many such book launches. RAVI SUBRAMANIAN and MOHAN V RAMAN thank you for the wonderful evening.

PS: RAVI SUBRAMANIAN – A single evening won’t suffice to answer all my queries with regards to your book








It’s time for my pen to speak up yet again.  It’s a fresh start after a month in wilderness and I begin with my first ever book review – Ravi Subramanian’s God is a gamer.

I bumped into his If God was a Banker by accident and I was glad I did. Here was an Indian author who understood the sensibilities of his target audience. The end though left me a touch disappointed. I felt it could have been a lot more than what it was. Little did I know that a sequel was in store.

There are three things I look for when I pick up a book – A good plot, grammar and a good edit. God is a gamer scores on all three counts.  Right from page one the intention is very clear – To keep the reader engaged till the very end. It’s a cleverly paced and cleverly placed revenge drama. It begins in US giving it the much needed international feel. He gives us the characters that we all loved and frankly it took me by surprise.

The author deftly places bitcoins as the centre of attraction. The novel has ample doses of drama, human emotions and romance. Another clinching factor for me was the author’s attention to details. Having been in the financial services industry for almost 5 years now I could relate to all the drama within the industry. I won’t reveal the plot or the characters here. Grab a copy of the book to find out.Trust me it will be worth every penny spent.

Rating –  5/5

PS: Can’t wait to see how it unfolds on the big screen.



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