Salesh Dipak Fernando



The last time I had  or should I say we had a real argument it nurtured into a dream. It was three against one.

My brother completes his schooling. The obvious question – What next ?.. My brother says Biotech even though his heart yearns for Medicine. I second him. Even Mom seemed to agree. Considering the financial implications biotech seemed like a safe bet. The great man thought otherwise. It was a clash of ideals – Money vs Heart. But my father wasn’t going to give in…

I guess I will have to travel back in time to understand his perspective. My Dad denied a doctor seat because he didn’t have a mere 8000 rupees. 8000 was big money those days.. To even think most of us fritter us this amount in unnecessary luxuries these days. A dream gets shattered… Resigned to fate he becomes a CA.. That he became a damn good auditor is another story altogether.

He wasn’t going to let that happen to us. Eventually it was brother’s interest that mattered. All we needed was “I am there for your needs.” assurance from dad to compose everyone.

 The dream begins.. 5 years fly by just like that. The big day arrives. I wait for the name and the sound reverberates from the mike.. DR KEVIN FERNANDO. For one fleeting moment nothing else mattered. Mom was beaming even as I couldn’t stand in one place. Dad was so right.. Who would have thought that there would be a doctor from the fishermen community..

 None of this would have happened if Dad had given in to our side of the argument. Thankfully he encouraged us to chase our dreams. I still remember his words “ No Dream is Impossible”

 Who said dreams don’t come true. Never let social status, financial implications or society’s opinion pull you back.. They don’t matter… U do. Move forward chasing ur one BIG DREAM. I re- quote Lupita Nyongo here “ No matter where your from your dreams are valid”

This post was written for Project 365 program at We Post Daily. The prompt for today was “ Write about the last disagreement you had with a friend or family member – from their perspective”.










  1. Yes, Dipak. Dreams are valid.

  2. A different take on the prompt
    Not quite a disagreement per se but a good one nevertheless.

  3. Such a powerful message and hats off to your Dad 🙂 Now I know, why you still couldn’t get over the letter, coz, you have a fantastic dad and I am sure, you would also want to write a letter to him!

  4. Small but nice post highlighting how your brother and father approached the career decision from their respective points of view …

  5. I loved your inspiring write-up and yes, dreams can come true if chased.

  6. swathi shenoy

    such an inspiring post which urges the readers to follow their dreams 🙂

  7. Very true. It doesn’t matter where we belong from. What matters is where we are headed and how to chase our dream destination. Good work.

  8. Just looking at some of your earlier earlier posts. Our parents always want better for us, and your Dad’s experience was quite a strong motivator for him. Fortunately it worked out for your brother to accept his wishes. That’s not always the case between fathers and sons, so this was one of the happy times it worked out.

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