Salesh Dipak Fernando



Oh yeah I was the Villain – the antagonist whom everybody loved to hate. I was the terrible miscast in a perfect ensemble. I didn’t fit in with my peers.  I was a mistake,a glitch who was bound to fail big time. How do I prove them wrong ?  How do I turn my life around ?  How do I make my mark in this fast-moving world where everybody’s running a race ?

Why not be the perfect villain ? Maybe the role was my destiny.  I become the showman and a perfect one at that. Every possible hurdle was crossed. Did I hear the hands clap ?. The same hands that once tried to pull me down. The transition is complete. I see colours everywhere of varied dimensions. The darkness that once engulfed my life has disappeared.

The villain becomes the VOICE. It’s time for a fresh start. Time for the voice to be heard beyond boundaries. Time to fulfill the purpose.

This post is written for A to Z blogging challenge and Ultimate blog challenge






  1. Florence Callender

    I like your perspective. Prove the “nay-sayers” wrong!!!

    Thanks for this great reminder that we do not have to allow others to define us.

  2. You make a strong point — a villain takes on his role because he desires notoriety.

  3. Love this beautiful story, Salesh coz find a Voice to be the Villain with this beautiful story..been a misfit, an outsider and villain…Been there, seen it:)

  4. Awesome hope story! Good luck with the last few a to z days1

  5. Hey, just dropping by from AtoZChallenge 🙂 is my blog address, do have a look once.

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