
“Love never lets you down only people do”.  More often than not love is the singular emotion that holds us together despite the chaos that surrounds our life.  Namrata presents an interesting mix of stories that resonate with love. 

As I turned the pages I found a common thread which connected all the plots.  At some point in our life all of us wish to re-discover the spark that once defined our very existence. The plots re-assure the reader that love paves the way for hope and fulfillment.  

Love isn’t complete without a slice of hope. It is here that Namrata scores. She gets the point across with a lot of depth.  At times you have to drench yourself with love to enjoy it. I re-read the book until I fell in love with love again.

The language and intent is crystal clear which deserves a huge thumbs up. Even the chopping is done to perfection.  A badly edited book makes me cringe even if the story is good. 

I finished the book with a lovely smile on my face. For once I felt like a superhero who had found his secret weapon. Thank you Namrata for making me believe in love yet again. 

Highly recommended for all the romantic souls out there.

My rating 4/5

PS: I loved the lines which precede each journey of love