
The call was an unexpected. What did she want from me after all these years?  It is not every day that you get a call from your ex on a Valentine’s Day.  We parted ways on amicable terms but why did she want to dig up a long forgotten past?

COFFEE DAY had the usual V- Day buzz. There were couples all around. Each pair immersed in their own little world as I waited for her arrival. The moment I heard her footsteps fear gripped my whole being.  Her lazy elegance still fascinated.

Her face radiated with happiness and her small hands held something which I treasured.  A copy of AFTER THE FLOODS – My first published work. The mess suddenly cleared up. Our eyes met and then she uttered those lovely words.

“You’re not the man I broke up with. You are something else today – a person everyone looks up to.  I am glad we parted ways. It has changed both of us into better human beings. I was so elated to see your name in print. An anthology is a good way to start off things. It will give you the space that you need for the big one. Best wishes for the journey ahead”

She wanted my sign and I duly obliged.  She smiled again and I understood it’s implied meaning even after all these years. We parted ways yet again.

 The pen in my hand refused to move as Gracie held my hand.  “Is it the Mystery Girl again?” I look into those love – filled eyes. “Yes my dear she will always remain an ETERNAL MYSTERY but YOU and OUR KIDS will always be MY HAPPILY EVER AFTER“.