Salesh Dipak Fernando



There are many different interpretations of THE HOLY CROSS. But to me the cross is a symbol of hope and a sign of transformation. Before Jesus chose to carry the cross it was shunned as a symbol of shame. But the GREAT TEACHER’S choice yet again broke the norm. It changed the perception of millions and transformed it into an object of reverence.

Jesus knew his end was near yet chose to convey a message through the cross. We all have our own cross to carry. Our day to day struggles are our own cross. At times it’s too heavy and burdens the soul. We feel like giving up, we fall down not thrice but n number of times, we yearn for solace and emotional support. Is it time to give up already ?

My answer is a stern No. The cross that we carry has a very definite purpose. I do agree it’s a heavy burden but sometimes you need the everyday struggles to re-define yourself and the world around you. The key is how well you rise up with every fall. 

Changing perceptions does require a lot of effort. The fruit of your labour might not be visible on the third day but there will come a time when the world will see the true purpose and hold you in reverence.

Have a blessed Holy Week Everyone.








1 Comment

  1. An interesting philosophy to look at life in a positive manner:)

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