This is surprise I guess. This isn’t a movie which you would see on everyone’s best romance movies list. But this is one movie which showed what BEING IN LOVE actually means. I still can’t believe that a movie like this was a dud at the box-office.  How is it even possible to dislike sweetness?  Perhaps our tastes have become mediocre. Very rarely do you come across a film where the whole ensemble shines. Pannaiyarum Padiminiyum was one such film. It also showcased a very special bond – the emotional bond between a man and his vehicle. What if the vehicle had a voice? How would it feel and interpret the things happening around it.  I will let Padmini – the vehicle take over

Dear Master,

I am blessed to be a part of such a wonderful household. From the moment I stepped into this house you have treated me as one of your own. I had no idea how our bond would influence the lives around us – the driver, his assistant, the way people go Wow whenever you take me for a ride are all moments I would cherish until I become an old trash. But you know what I would treasure the most. It’s the warmth that you share with your beloved wife. It is not every day you come across a couple who age so gracefully. The love that exists between the two of you is one transcends the barriers of time and age.  Thank you for showing me that it is possible to fall in love everyday over sweet nothings

  It was love that pushed you to learn how to drive me.  I still remember how you struggled to handle me the first time. But the driver wouldn’t give up. Neither would I for I have always yearned to see my king and queen take their rightful place in this humble abode.

It’s one of your wife’s simplest wishes. The joy that lights up her face when you drive me is a moment I have been waiting to see ever since I understood the depth of the love that exists between the two of you.

The two of you aren’t just made for each other. You are mad about each other the madness that has survived the test of time and the ever increasing grey hairs. I wish I could breathe to savour that air that relishes the breath of your love. I wish I was a living being to embrace you both and cherish the love.

Love it’s simplest form is pure ecstasy the kind of love that allows you to understand the depth of those smaller moments of happiness in your everyday existence.

I am hoping you would still treasure me as an old souvenir after I age. In case you decide to leave this world before I am hoping the one who takes your place treats me like you did.

With loads of love,

Your ever loving.

Premier Padmini.