Mani Ratnam’s Alaipayuthey  is one his finest and daring films to date. For most of us who grew up in the late   90’s parental consent was the norm.  Films repeatedly re-assured us that everything would be bliss when you enter wedlock with the consent of your parents. Even in films where the lovers choose to rebel the film would usually close out promising a happily ever after or a gloomy finale where the lovers breathe their last together. But Mani Ratnam takes it a step further and throws all caution to the winds by exploring the life of two rebels after they have made a choice. The choice isn’t an easy one and neither are the consequences. Mani Ratnam walks the tightrope and aces it admirably well aided by some stunning visuals and extraordinary music.


Ah! It’s you again my sweet devil I almost feared losing you forever. Thankfully destiny had given me a second chance to woo you again.  I know you have been searching for that guy who fell head over heels in love with you ever since we tied the knot. You know what I have been looking for that guy ever since we promised each other a happily ever after.

I wasn’t ready my dear. I wasn’t ready for the consequences of a serious commitment. I forgot that the choice we made wasn’t your choice or mine. It was OUR CHOICE. Ideally we should have renewed our bond of love day in and day out but we grew out of love. Instead of cherishing those sweet nothings we fell prey to the everyday hassles of a married life.

Perhaps we both wanted the easy out. We aspired to find the same carefree spirit which brought us together without fully understanding and evaluating our similarities and differences. Instead of helping each other find ourselves we chose to suffocate each other.

Thankfully I see you differently today. I love you and promise to hold on to you till time bids farewell to you. I promise to hold on to you despite our differences. I promise to hold on to you through thick and thin. And it’s not just a promise I make to you alone. It’s a promise I make to myself to right the wrongs of a perfectly sane choice. Your search for the guy who loved you ends here.


I yearn for you again. Perhaps all the slip ups we have had so far were just a bad dream. For a long time I was under the illusion that I had made a mistake by letting go of the loved ones who brought me up. I forgot the days when I desperately yearned for your presence.

We let go of the things which brought us together and promised ourselves a path filled with roses without fully comprehending the depth of what transformed You and Me into US. I know it’s not going to easy to re-discover love again but the firmness with which you hold my hand gives me hope of a brighter future together.’

Welcome back my dear. It’s feels good to see you again.  I thought I was struck forever with a stranger who barely knew me. Thankfully the stranger had disappeared to leave us alone.  This time you are left with no choice but to accompany me on this bumpy road filled with roses and thorns. But I promise you that you won’t regret it for I love you more than I have ever loved you.