Salesh Dipak Fernando



A Little faith can do wonders – simple childlike faith in your own abilities. As a kid you never questioned your parents’ ability to safeguard you. It is time to place the same faith in yourself. Over the years I have come across people who give up all too easily. The tide will always be against you. It is time to swim against the tide.

Don’t allow yourself to be bogged down by the pressures of the society. Don’t let the pressure get to you. Don’t allow yourself to be moulded by the fancies of the people around you. Back yourself – chart your own course. Move away from the crowd. Remember – All the people who changed the course of destiny over the years were self-made individuals who left their footprints for others to follow.

It is never too late to make a start. It is time to say “YES I CAN” and move forward. It’s time to have a little faith.

This post is written for A to Z blogging challenge and Ultimate blog challenge..








  1. A Yes I can is a great attitude to have.

  2. “You’ve gotta have faith”
    I at least try to!

  3. Sometimes all you need is faith to succeed.

  4. jyotsnabhatia86

    Faith – yes, one of the most positive words for me !!

  5. Faith in ourselves is the answer to half our troubles.

    Damyanti, Co-host A to Z Challenge April 2014, My Latest post

    Twitter: @AprilA2Z

  6. Faith sure gives hope and courage

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