Salesh Dipak Fernando


mother teresa

How do you felicitate someone who has devoted 75 years of her life to serving the Lord. What possible words could you use to describe her relentless pursuit. I still remember her commanding presence which shaped my initial years.She was my principal when I began my schooling. Of course we were never really on the same page. I still have fond memories of my frequent visits to her room. All my naughty pranks would eventually land me in her presence.

Over the years she must have gotten used to kids like me. She must have gradually lost count of the number of lives she had touched.Some people are like that serving as a silent inspiration day in and day out. No hype – No highlight just child like simplicity.

Here’s wishing her many more years of awesomeness as she continues to be a guiding light for all of us. Sister Bona – We all love you.

This post is written for Ultimate blog challenge






1 Comment

  1. very Inspiring women. One word “Respect”

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