Salesh Dipak Fernando



What a journey it has been! April has just breezed past me. For a first timer like me it was a huge test. Two challenges – one post and I had to make it resonate with a wider audience. The only plan was to never plan. It was always one day at a time. Even If I had to leave mid way I would have done so without regret. Thankfully I managed to last the whole distance. 

I know for sure that I have made my mark. I have touched lives. That for me is my ultimate prize. As I always say awards don’t matter. People do. A heartfelt thanks to all those who encouraged me to take up the challenge. I am here because of them. Thanks to all readers who graced my space with their lovely comments.

I would like to conclude with a small thought ” Never let people tell you that you are a ZERO. Live your life the way you want to and prove that you’re a HERO”.  Remind those who criticize you that it’s just a difference of a single alphabet. A hearty congrats to all those who successfully completed the challenge. You are all heroes in your own sweet ways.

PS: Do grace my space for own last time with your comments. Make sure you leave your urls so that I can pay a visit.

This post is written for A to Z blogging challenge and Ultimate blog challenge







  1. I hope letter Z is not the end. That was a great thought. Its just keeping me reminding me that i am unique. Life is full of adventure!

  2. It was a joy to read your A to Zs, and congratulations on completing the journey. I look forward to seeing where your blogging goes next! Sammy D at

  3. Well said! Life is beautiful!

  4. Heartiest congos on finishing the challenge ! We all were in it and am so glad it finally ended 😀
    Being a first timer ur effort is commendable
    good luck

  5. Hey I feel you Salesh…exactly the same sentiments on the end of two major challenges! I’m a first timer too and a late joinee as well…came in 12 days late and compensated by writing 2 posts a day. But hey did manage to sail through! And was worth it for sure…connected with lotsa great people and got to read their posts, feedback on our own posts…its been an awesome journey! Stay connected 🙂

  6. Inspiring words. Congrats Champ:) We’ve finally made it:)

  7. jyotsnabhatia86

    Ah yes.. We are at the end Salesh. Congratulations on the completion of the challenge 🙂

  8. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed the challenge as well! This is my third, and i have taken it a bit easier this time, I usually draw a picture as well as writing a poem and facts about an animal a day – this time, just a poem, so they are better quality! Congrats on reaching the end! I had to write two posts a day the week before as I was going on a retreat last week, that WAS hard!


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