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When I first saw the movie I was surprised to see how it mirrored my life.  Mom and me – Oh God we have never been on the same been on the same wavelength for decades maybe because of the fact that both of us are similar personalities.  Nope don’t get me wrong Mom’s just adorable but at times her firmness puts me off and that’s when the Tom and Jerry show begins at home.

Since the movie has already been made two times once with Jodie Foster and the remake with Lindsay Lohan let me keep it short and to the point. The first thing Mom does when she wakes up is PRAYER that’s easy, and then comes the dreadful part – the kitchen.  I don’t even know how to make a cup of coffee.  Cooking has never been my forte. The only thing I am good at is eating. For once Mom gets to doze off till 10 AM. Let her take rest for a day. Maybe I will manage the food part by ordering something from the hotel.

Mom’s so organized and tidy so I guess she will be ready even before the office cab arrives for pick up. The fun begins. You can’t mess with Mom can you?   Knowing Mom she will have fun dealing with corporate world.  For once the pressure will be on the other side while I gleefully visualize all this at home.

The milkman, the maid and the various bills Oh God how does she deal with all this. I thought I was the one handling pressure at work. This is even worse and trust me two hands aren’t enough. Mom you are a superwoman and a rockstar.

Poor Kid he goes through so much at work and doesn’t utter a word at home. I should loosen my grip a little. She runs back home and we both hug each other with tears in our eyes.

Every once in a while it’s important to walk in the other person’s shoes just to understand what he or she is going through. I call it a mind switch. Open your mind to the other person’s thought process it might just strengthen existing bonds and mend broken ones

 This post was written for Project 365 program at We Post Daily. The prompt given to me was FREAKY FRIDAY – What happens when you switch bodies with someone you love/ hate.